We create all manner of reasons as to why learning the guitar just isn’t going to work out. Over the years I’ve heard so many.

•”I’ve tried playing before and I couldn’t do it”
•”My hands aren’t right for the guitar”
•”It takes too much time and practice to get any good”
•”I’m too old to learn that kind of coordination”
Every one of these statements is an unrealistic excuse and a myth. Often enough if you can change your expectations and work along side an instructor who understands your specific goals and challenges you’ll be amazed at what you’re able to accomplish.
So what makes the difference this time? Much of your ability to overcome challenges along the way begins with forming good habits. Specifically good practice habits. And here’s the secret… you only need to put in 20 minutes each day. That’s right… 20 minutes each day does more to improve your playing than cramming in one or two hours of time a few days a week. Consistency in your practice schedule is incredibly more beneficial than sporadic binges.
Another key to your success is having a road map to your lessons and practice. Everyone benefits from having measurable progress and being able to see how you got from point A to point B, or G, or Z! Each new piece of material you learn will be built on the foundation of what you’ve learned previously. You’ll be making progress learning techniques and principles without getting overly theoretical. Best of all you’ll be having fun and looking forward to your practice sessions because you’ll see the improvement in your playing.
I’ve been studying music for 41 years. I’d say studying guitar but really it’s been so much more than just that. It’s been a lifelong passion of listening to, watching, and learning the history of so many genres of great music. From age 8 when my father brought home a much over-sized for my little hands Fender 12 string acoustic I knew there was something incredible at my fingertips and that I’d found a lifelong companion.
Growing up in Pittsburgh I received formal training in rock and jazz while also being granted a scholarship for classical guitar from Mercyhurst University. I am also a registered tutor with London College of Music. I recently spent 16 years in the Pacific Northwest performing both as a solo artist and in bands before moving back home in 2017.
These days, you’ll find me playing with my band Outside Eliza and enjoying teaching guitar while helping other people experience the same creative joy that’s brought me so much pleasure over the years.
We’ve been so overwhelmed by the support and participation by our community here in Pittsburgh and as the business has grown it’s become more than one person can handle. That’s why we’re so pleased to have accomplished singer/songwriter Evan Lybrand on our team as an instructor.
A South Carolina native, Evan is a multi-instrumentalist who has been playing music for nearly 20 years. He has experience teaching various age groups and has had formal music training. Evan is currently a singer songwriter and has been a WYEP Artist of the Week. You can find him performing around the Pittsburgh area as a solo act, filling in with Outside Eliza, or his own band Calico Dogs.